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Francis Issues Heartfelt Appeal For Ceasefire Denounces Terrorism

Pope condemns Israeli attack on Gaza, urges end to war

Francis issues heartfelt appeal for ceasefire, denounces terrorism

Holy Father says violence is a 'sin against God and humanity'

VATICAN CITY, Nov 22 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Sunday launched a heartfelt appeal for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, condemning an Israeli military attack on the Palestinian territory as a "grave sin against God and humanity" that must be stopped.

In a passionate address to thousands of pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square, the pontiff called on both sides to lay down their arms and engage in dialogue for a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

"I make a heartfelt appeal to the parties involved to cease the fighting and to resume dialogue," Francis said. "There is no military solution. Violence and war only beget more violence and war."
